The O’Keefe – Parrott Debate
Maryland’s Dream Act: YES or NO
The format is, each side presents arguments and questions, up to 500 words, each day. New points, or responses to previous points, new questions, responses to questions – all is fair. Being a bore is not allowed, and so the word limit matters: 500 words each day. The debate is just the text itself, up to 500 words a day, but links are allowed, which can lead to extended remarks or charts or graphics or anything appropriate to public discourse. Guest writers welcome on either side, using their own names or signing in as the debater. (Mr. O’Keefe has indicated that he will write his own material.) Timing: 500 words per day, five written submissions per week, until Election Day, or until one party concedes. Scoring: none, other than the vote on the Dream Act on November 6.
The presentations are public, and can be found at www.O’ This is a blog with two administrators – Mr. Parrott and Mr. O’Keefe. No one else has privileges with this site. John Cavanaugh-O’Keefe notes: I am conscious that there is an appearance of imbalance, having the written material maintained at a blogspot that I control. When Mr. Parrott joins the debate, the official site should be his, wherever he wants to maintain it, as long as he says he will keep it easily accessible. I trust him. It’s okay with me if the debate is surrounded by his material; my arguments will prevail in any open and honest forum.
The debate itself is an exchange of written submissions, from the two participants only. Submissions are to be short, 500 words or fewer, daily, weekdays only. No penalty for late submissions. No revisions of submitted text, other than correcting typos.
Comments and questions from observers are welcome, but will be maintained separately, so that it is easy to follow what the two speakers say. These comments will be in a blog associated with the debate, at www.O’ (John Cavanaugh-O’Keefe notes again: if Mr. Parrott chooses to move the comments blog, I agree ahead of time, without reservation, provided there is easy and public access.)
At the beginning, Mr. Parrott declined to participate. This is a shame, because everyone has a built-in love of the truth, and we will see the truth more clearly when we hear (or read) an open and honest debate. Fortunately, Mr. Parrott is articulate, and he may respond as the questions accumulate. Or he may respond because YOU ask him to give his side. Please contact him, and urge him politely to explain his views! His address: